Oh, Sure, Now it Snows

We officially had a brown Christmas, but now that it’s Boxing Day, the snow decided to make an appearance. Even worse, we’re supposed to get 3-6 inches on Monday. I just hope it’s over by Monday night, as we need to start our long drive early on Tuesday morning.

[12262015]5DSR1379It’s been a while since we’ve made a really long road trip. Sure, we went to Milwaukee in August, but anything under 10 hours doesn’t qualify as a long trip in our book. We could drive to Milwaukee and back in less time than it takes to get to Memphis.

[12262015]5DSR1359bwAnything less than a multi-day drive is usually better than flying these days and at 12 hours, Memphis fits that requirement quite nicely. There are obvious advantages to driving – it’s cheaper, you don’t have to deal with a rental car and you can bring as much shit as you can fit in your vehicle. Being that it’s the holidays, the third point becomes the most important.

[12262015]5DSR1438We have a big vehicle, so we are bringing a lot of shit. You can’t carry a big box of food, alcohol and presents on a plane, now can you? And you can’t go to visit family over the holidays without being well provisioned. Today’s photos are the last from my outing to the Arboretum in October. It’s always nice to look back on a little sunshine when it’s snowing outside.