Drip, Drip, Drip

This morning I went into our mudroom to grab something and was startled to be hit by a drop of water on my way back out. What the…? Water was dripping from the frame of the door between the mudroom and the living room. So not good. So very, very not good.

[12142015]5DSR1831I have this ongoing fear that things will just start falling apart around our house, now that we are (hopefully) close to moving out. Last year it was the furnace in the garage. Fortunately, that was a cheap repair.

[12142015]5DSR1774We don’t want to put any money into the house if we can avoid it, because it will almost certainly be torn down after we sell it. That’s just the nature of our neighborhood right now. Of course we still have to live here, so if the furnace goes out or the sewer backs up, we have to suck it up and get it fixed. But a small leak in the roof?

[12142015]5DSR1766I’m going to hope it’s not a big deal, as it was literally just a few drops during a driving rainstorm. If I hadn’t been walking right under it at the time, we probably wouldn’t have realized it was there. Sigh. So, keeping with the theme of water, today’s photos are the last of my Minnehaha Creek reflection images.