Slightly Less Abstract

Today I’m featuring a few more images from our photo walk. I’m calling these slightly less abstract, because you can kind of, sort of identify the subject matter. Which is trees, duh.

Trees are a constant theme for me. They inspired me to find a new way of seeing, photographically speaking. My rejected Seeing in Sixes submission was of trees. The published book included no less than six entries featuring trees. I can see why I didn’t make the cut.

I mentioned that the walk was sort of disappointing. Part of that was the location, which I built up in my mind because of childhood memories. My recall of the nature center made it a magical place, which was clearly delusional. The leader of the walk was pretty uninspirational as well. I’m not sure what it takes to qualify as the leader of a walk, other than just volunteering to do it. He didn’t seem to have a plan.

The participants were a bunch of photo geeks, no surprise. There were twenty and only four were female (including me).

Three of the four women came with men. I can see why, as the one solo woman instantly got chatted up by a couple of dubious prospects. I know, I’m being harsh. After all, where better for middle-aged photo geeks to find prospective mates?