Return to St. Mary’s

I’ve decided to alternate between posting my Australia photos and my cemetery photos. (You’re welcome, Jane)

5DSR5347I always try to find a bit of a theme when I post photos together (witness, yesterday’s opus on the staring Australian animals). Admittedly, I am often really stretching to find a connection among the images. Today is no exception.

5DSR5290The sun was creating a lot of really interesting shadows across the headstones. I tried to capture this effect in a number of images, often unsuccessfully. But, as with most of my work, it’s a numbers games and sometimes I get lucky.

5DSR5287So today’s theme is zooming in on shadows. The first image is a section of the cemetery, the second is a single gravesite and the third is a detail of one headstone. Okay, not brilliant, but it sort of works.