Spring Came

And now April is almost over. It’s been a pretty exhausting stretch since I last posted. I wish I had lots of good news to report, but it hasn’t been pretty on the artistic front. Rejections across the board. Thumbs down on the abstract exhibit at MCFTA and zero response from my little gallery at our builder’s Parade of Homes model house. I was even turned down for a one day local art fair that accepted 60% of the applicants. Not gonna lie, it’s been more than a little discouraging.

My exhaustion mostly stems from household tasks. Spring means yard clean up and bringing the patio furniture out from its winter hibernation. In addition, we’ve been busy getting our old house cleared out and cleaned up in order to sell it. I haven’t had a whole lot of energy left over for artistic pursuits. Plus my hand and wrist decided to join my right shoulder in protesting most physical activity.

I’m starting to see light at the end of the tunnel and I’m hopeful that I can start focusing on creating more art instead of just trying to shill what I already have. To that end, I hosted an abstract shoot with two friends in my photography studio on Saturday. What I set up looked like a hot mess, but we got some interesting results and I have more ideas for next time.

Green Reflects on Purple

I added clear vases filled with colored water to the mix and this was one of the resulting images. Looking forward to experimenting more at our May session.

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