Last week’s ice/snow events required me to cancel/reschedule no less than six appointments. I left the house just once during a five day stretch. When we saw the forecast for this week, with the potential for up to 12 inches of snow, we went out and bought a snowblower. It turned out to be just in the nick of time, as we had a six inch snowfall on Sunday night and another one Monday night into Tuesday afternoon. We now have double the normal amount of snow for February and the month is only half over.
If we don’t get a decent thaw pretty soon, I don’t know where we’re going to put the snow. I’m starting to realize that I should have planned for that as part of the landscaping. Too late now. At least there’s no more significant snow in the forecast for a while.
I finally had my framing “class” on Monday and it went really well. Except for discovering that the first image I framed has sensor dust and I’ll need to print it again. And the second image I framed has some specks under the glass, so I’ll have to take it apart and clean it. It’s a learning process, right?

Speaking of learning, I had to reprint 7 of the 10 images I selected for submission to the MCFTA exhibit. The sensor dust is killing me. Meanwhile, I tweaked the titles to make them more consistent. So, once again, I went back and edited the captions on my previous posts. Wondering if I’ll get the rest published before I change my mind again.