This winter is absolute hell. I can handle snow and cold, but this bitter cold followed by a day or two of warmth with rain, then plummeting temperatures causing a sheet of ice everywhere, followed by more snow… This is hell.
I canceled my framing lesson on Tuesday, as well as two additional appointments yesterday. Our driveway was a long, steep, curved skating rink. We spent an hour clearing the flat area Tuesday afternoon and by the time we “finished,” the part I started with was already covered with a fresh layer of snow.
My husband went out and spent another two plus hours clearing the whole thing again yesterday morning. We ventured out in the afternoon to pick up more sand and some groceries. By some stroke of luck, we happened to hit the right home improvement store during the two hour window they had stock in ice melt. We picked up three 50 lb bags of it and four equal size bags of sand.

In honor of the hellish weather we are currently enduring, I’ve selected an image that makes me think of icicles. The snow started up again this morning and is forecast to last well into the evening. Welcome to the 7th circle.