RBF Syndrome

I have finally received an official diagnosis for my affliction. I suffer from RBF – resting bitch face. It’s on the internet, so it must be a real thing, ’cause you can google it. Ironically, I found out about it not from the internet, which I spend way too much time on, but from a newspaper article given to me by my mom. Yes, she’s that old.

Urban Dictionary defines it thusly – Resting Bitch Face: A person, girl especially, whose regular facial expression makes them look like a bitch. I have always been afflicted with this syndrome, I just never knew there was a name for it. Of course, there is no male equivalent, hence the bitch part. Men with RBF are just serious or focused, not angry. Except Kanye, he really does have male RBF.

The biggest issue with RBF is that people constantly ask if you’re upset or tired. Or they just avoid you, which is actually more of a positive side effect, in most cases. There’s nothing that discourages lame pick-up attempts or street harassment faster than RBF. I can honestly say I have never been hit on or cat-called.

I always used to think that was because I’m not really a girly-girl. I have been mistaken for a man from the back more than once. If I didn’t have a nice rack I would probably have the same problem from the front. But now I know the truth, it’s just my RBF.

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