Cabin Finale

As promised, here are my final, final offerings from Jane’s cabin.

First I have a black and white image of the cemetery. This was shot as we were leaving the church, having spent a considerable amount of time making really shitty images inside of it.  The linear arrangement of the trees over the headstones kept drawing my eye.

This is the only image I have from inside the church that I felt was worth sharing. As you can see, the ceiling detail is stunning. Unfortunately there were fans on the columns and the ceiling that were hideous and difficult to keep out of almost every composition I tried. I couldn’t seem to make anything else I photographed work either. It was an exercise in utter frustration.

Sometimes the muse abandons you. Such is life. I’d like to say it was fun trying, but that’s kind of a lie because it was so hot and stuffy.

My final image was taken right as the sun was setting on the cabin. I really like this one, although I’m not one hundred percent sure why. I guess that’s just the magic of photography.