Not Sleeping In

We’ve sort of been forced into an early morning schedule because, well, cat. You aren’t allowed to sleep late without getting a paw in the face, demanding breakfast. I try to compensate by getting to bed early as often as possible. But sometimes Ripley starts acting up right when I’m trying to go to sleep. Last night I was convinced that either our cat is possessed or our house is haunted. Maybe both.

Ripley has limited room to roam, so we bought him a big exercise wheel. He doesn’t use it a lot and when he does, he usually cries. I sympathize buddy, exercise makes me want to cry too. Last night he tried a new trick – running on it really fast and then running to the window, leaving the wheel spinning. He did this three or four times. The wheel is not quiet, by the way. According to my husband, Ripley kept this up for an hour after I went to bed.

That wasn’t the worst of last night’s sleep deprivation, though. Around 4:30 AM, our house alarm started beeping. It does that when it loses the cellular connection. So, even though we didn’t have it set, it had to urgently alert us that it couldn’t call in an alarm. The first time I woke up while my husband was turning it off. (I sleep wearing earplugs) It woke up Ripley and he started in on the wheel again. My husband was out of bed soon afterwards, unable to fall back asleep.

I had just dozed off when the alarm started beeping again. This time I had to get up and turn it off, since my husband had shut himself and Ripley out and the alarm panel was on my side of the door. After it went off for the third time, I gave up. Clearly, we would not be sleeping in this Sunday. I predict an early bedtime tonight.