Destination Disappointment

After spending about thirty minutes taking what should have been a ten to fifteen minute walk, I finally arrived at my “destination” – the large pond. I’ve photographed this pond and the trees that surround it many times in the past, usually at the height of the fall colors.

I took a number of different images. This is the only one that rated higher than a “meh” for me. But that’s totally fine.Because the short journey to and from the pond was an embarrassment of photographic riches. I think the pond photo might have worked better if there were a couple of larger trees in the scene.

These compositions definitely seem to work better when there are a few strong, dark elements, like large trees or their shadows. Much like black and white, contrast is really important. Speaking of black and white, I have tried converting some of these and I just don’t like them as well. The color is subdued, but important.