Early Late Thanksgiving

Since I picked up our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday morning, we decided to go ahead and heat it up that day, leaving today for the consumption of leftovers. Roast turkey and gravy is one of my husband’s favorite meals. Given the choice, he would eat it every week. I am not a cook by any stretch of the imagination, so the thought of trying to roast a turkey and make gravy from scratch intimidates the hell out of me. Consequently, this is the third year in a row that our dinner has been provided by Whole Foods.

This year we went with a full bone-in cooked turkey breast, rather than the boneless one we’ve bought the past two years. I put it in the oven to warm up around 1:00, thinking we’d eat at 2:00-2:30. Turns out, it takes a lot longer to warm up a bone-in breast. I checked the temp every 30 minutes and at the two hour mark it was barely registering 140 degrees. We gave it another 30 minutes and just decided to call it because we were both starving at that point.

We resorted to microwaving some of the turkey after carving it. We finally sat down to eat at 4:00. Everything tasted pretty good, but it was lukewarm at best. Not exactly the Thanksgiving feast I had envisioned. The only saving grace was the amazing cherry pie and homemade whipped cream, neither of which I made. I’m just glad we did it the day before, as it takes some of the pressure off. Today will just be about the big plate of microwaved leftovers. And wine.

[11262015]5DM36057bwAlmost forgot my random photo of the day. This is from our September 2014 family trip to Baraboo. Converted to black and white.